
20 The Farmer& the Fraud

  1. With this parable, Jesus is stripping away all the things that complicate gospel preaching. He is boiling it down to three responsibilities.
    a. The farmer scatters the seed. The whole concept of preaching is that of conveying truth statements which can only be done using words. The increase of God's kingdome happens like a farmer casting seed, or preaching gospel truth.
    b. Our second responsibility is to wait; actively wait. The farmer sows the seed then he "sleeps and rises night and day." He goes on with life.
    c. The third responsibility of the farmer is to harvest. "But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come."
    Conclusion: God's prescribed way of evangelizing is the paradigm of the farmer: we scatter the seed; we actively wait or we pray; we prepare for the harvest, we prepare to bring in, we gather together those whom God matures.
Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Service
Mark 4:26-29
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