
Extrav­a­gant Grace

553 ( 446 | 107 )

Why do Christians—even mature Christians—still sin so often? Why doesn’t God set us free? We seem to notice more sin in our lives all the time, and we won­der if our progress is a con­stant dis­ap­point­ment to God. Where is the joy and peace we read about in the Bible?

Bar­bara Duguid turns to the writ­ings of John New­ton to teach us God’s pur­pose for our fail­ure and guilt—and to help us adjust our expec­ta­tions of our­selves. Her empa­thetic, hon­est approach lifts our focus from our own per­for­mance back to the God who is big­ger than our failures—and who uses them for his glory. Redis­cover how God’s extrav­a­gant grace makes the gospel once again feel like the good news it truly is!

My guest on the program today will be Barbara Duguid - a coun­selor and min­istry assis­tant at Christ Pres­by­ter­ian Church (ARP) in Grove City, Penn­syl­va­nia, where she crafts the weekly liturgy. She is a pastor’s wife and the mother of six chil­dren, and she holds an advanced cer­tifi­cate in bib­li­cal coun­sel­ing from the Chris­t­ian Coun­sel­ing and Edu­ca­tional Foun­da­tion in Glen­side, Pennsylvania.

Feb 25, 2014
Radio Broadcast
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