
The Flood - Biblical Evidence

  1. Why Study the Flood?
    a. All Scripture is God-breathed and is profitable valuable..for

instructions 2 Tim 3:16
b. The works of the Lord are studied by all who delight in them
c. It develops our Christian worldview/paradigm and enables us to understand

the earth's history
d. We are to avoid, deceitful and futile philosophies
e. God Truth is ideal, experiential and pragmatic/utilitarian
f. Warning of the power of God's wrath and certainty of our Final Judgment

  1. Biblical Evidences for the Flood
    A. Gn 7:11-24
    B. Ps 29:10, 60:2, 74:15, 104:5-9
    C. Mt 24:37-39, Lk 17:27
    D. 2 Pt 3:3-7

  2. Current Geologic Models of earth's history and "Scoffers"
    a. Prior to the 19th century Western
    b. The socio-cultural events that led up to the challenge
    c. Charles Lyell and James Hutton's
    d. The paradigm of unifromitarianism

  3. Theological inferences and comments about scientific/academic theories and

a. When people receive not the love of the truth,
b. By not "retaining God in their thinking"
c. Origin science is
d. People weave a "web of lies"

  1. Historic Evidences
    a. There is a plethora of Flood myths
    b. Most Gentile myths are set in water-context
    c. Scholars
    d. textual deconstruction
    e. Pagan legends
    f. two possible inferences

  2. Geologic Evidence for the Flood
    a. Fossil Beds: Evidence of rapid death, burial and lithification
    b. Nowhere on earth today are fossils beds forming
    c. Most geologic features
    d. Tas Walker's Model
    e. Accelerated nuclear decay

  3. Final Thoughts
    a. Uniformitariansim
    b. If the rocks did "cry out"

Feb 24, 2013
Sunday School
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