
Romans 2-3, Lesson 3

338 ( 195 | 143 )

We have good news and we cannot understand or appreciate the good news unless we understand that we are by nature sinners. The good news is that God sent Jesus as our Savior. Do we outwardly try to look like good people while inwardly we are hiding our sin? Jesus is the only one who can clean us up. When it looks like people are getting away with evil, they are not, there will be a day of judgment It is those who obey the law that will become righteous, Romans 2 verse 13. We cannot pick ourselves up, God does that. Every day we are to seek God’s grace to live. Jesus is the only hope for anyone. We are only saved by God’s grace. The only way for us to be saved is by the blood of Jesus.

Jan 26, 2017
Romans 2:1
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