
Mothers as Counter-Revolutionaries


During the 1960's and 70's, a revolution took place in this country wherein the family came under attack. Prior to this family was defined along biblical terms. A father. A mother. Children. Till death do us part. The revolution attacked the biblical family. Redefined family. Employed the popular media to belittle and undermine Christian family. Used public policy; government laws to destroy, through force of law, every vestige of Christian family. No-fault divorce was introduced. The killing of one's sons and daughters by the mothers through abortion was legalized. The floodgates of pornography were opened. A plethora of laws were passed and enacted which allowed the State to invade the domestic affairs of our lives.

A ‘revolution' is defined by Webster, as “an unconstitutional overthrow of an established government.” In the case of this revolution of the 60's & 70's, it is God's established government which has been overthrown by rebellious man. His Law – which was once reflected in the laws of our land - have been undone and replaced with laws which condone and implement life completely contrary to His economy. This is nothing short of revolution.

The elitists that groom and shape this nation and culture hate everything about God, hence, they hate the biblical family.

This brings me to the point of my sermon this morning – mothers as counterrevolutionaries. A ‘counterrevolution,' as defined by Webster, is “a revolution intending to undo the results of a revolution.” My assertion this morning, is that mother's, who live in obedience to God, are counter-revolutionaries to the God-hating culture which reigns in our nation in our day.

May 9, 2010
Sunday Service
Proverbs 31:10-31
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