
Chariots of Fire


The Spirit & Power of Elijah - Message 8 - Chariots of Fire. As Elijah is taken up to heaven in a whirlwind, we will learn about Elisha's devotion to Elijah and we will see how he deals with the grief that results from the “home going” of his mentor and master. Interestingly, both Elijah and Elisha as well as all the prophets
in every town they visited knew that God was going to take Elijah that
day, but no one said a word about it until just before the chariot of
fire appeared from heaven. There are some great lessons here about losing
loved ones and about dealing with death and grief by faith. There is also a pointed lesson about seeing what God is doing in our midst but not talking about it. How often could we offer an encouraging word but remain silent instead? After the whirlwind had taken Elijah up to heaven, the same prophets who knew God was going to do this before He did it still insisted that they should go looking for Elijah in case the whirlwind had tossed him onto a mountain top or thrown him down in a valley! Lest we find fault with their faith, how often do we try to offer natural explanations for supernatural
events? We know what God says but then act in fear instead of faith. For example, God promises to supply every need and yet we worry. God promises to forgive and forget our sin when we confess, and yet we struggle with guilt. God promises to never leave or forsake us, and yet we fear being abandoned. God promises to work all things out for our good and His glory, and yet we fret about the future and stress out.

Feb 21, 2010
Sunday Service
2 Kings 2
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