
Freedom from Addiction


Everyone grapples with sin. People who are not believers often don't realize they're grappling with sin. The hot word today is addiction. People don't have a sin problem, they're struggling with addiction. If I come up to you and say I'm a drunk, you'd say straighten up. If I say I'm an alcoholic, you say oh, that's too bad. Romans six drives home the point very strongly that sin is addictive. It enslaves and controls the person. The world has rejected the concept of sin. They have rejected the word of God. Believers are also confused on the issue of sin. Part of our problem is we have adopted the world's procedure of categorizing our sins. We think that every sin is unique and so must be dealt with in a special and unique way. As soon as you say the bible is not sufficient to deal with sin of any kind you have a problem. You're saying the bible is not adequate for the very purpose it exists, to liberate, to bring a message of liberation for man in his fallen sinful condition.

Feb 4, 1990
Sunday Service
Romans 6:8-14
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