
What is a Reformed Baptist: The History and Necessity of Baptist Doctrine and Faith


Without exception the one most common question I receive is "What does reformed mean." Usually it is with a curious look and sometimes it is with a sneer.... In Conclusion, we stand here today as Reformed Baptist, not because we desire to hold to Protestant reformation teaching's and personalities of names and titles. I am just as happy to be called a Biblical Christian or Spurgeonist as every to be called Calvinist. When someone ask's you what is a Reformed Baptist, your eye's should well up with tears, and with a heart broken voice you square your shoulders and you tell them. "A Reformed Baptist is a man or woman who wishes and prays that they do not have to be."
They see that as a professing Christian people, we have lost our way, and we must get back to that Old Truth. A Reformed Baptist denies the Pedo Infant baptism of the Prespyterians, who are our true brothers. We stand with the Protestant reformers and affirm The Doctrines of Grace and the 5 Solas, Grace, faith Christ, Scripture, Glory Alone. We hold to the 1689 Baptist Confession, The Hydleberg Confession and the Baptist Church Manual as great helps. We catacize our Children and seek to train up children to the Glory of God.
We Believe and teach that the Bible alone is sufficient for all faith, life, and practice.
We believe that the Bible is God's inerrant, infallible, and inspired Word and we are to study to show ourselves approved unto God, rightly dividing His Word.
We believe that All Christians are to be taught the principles of Evangelism in obedience to the Great Commission. In that Obedience we Stand before the world and expose that which comes from the Holy Spirit,Sin Righteousness judgement..

Feb 17, 2013
Sunday - PM
1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Jude 3-4
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