
The Mystery Of... The Lie


Pastor Chronister explains how no writer today connects Zachariah 11 with the Antichrist and Judas. Back in the early 1800's people knew this, and that's how far back you have to go to find writers that put this together. Pastor Chronister puts this all together for you in this series... and today he promises to answer all 17 questions that have been raised in these discussions. Then, stealing a line from the movie True Grit with John Wayne, he says, pretty bold talk for a one eyed fat man. We'll see if he gets to all of them.
This is the second to the last of this series on the 8th Mystery - The Mystery of the Antichrist. Stay toned for the last installment. And if this is the first one that you have heard you'll want to go back and listen to all of them. It will open your eyes to a whole new way of looking at the Antichrist.
Also, you'll like what pastor says about the 2 Mormon missionaries that got up and left the service a little more than half way through.
For now, just open your text book and let's begin. You're going to want your Bible in front of you for this sermon.
Thank you all so much for listening and for the letters and comments that do so much to encourage our pastor. Please send more if you can. Or order us a pizza to add to the buffet we have after the service (about 5:30pm Alaska time). To know that you like his preaching enough to send him a pizza will really make him happy.

May 2, 2010
Sunday Service
Luke 22:1-6
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