
God's Mission: Light shall make the darkness go away


1a. The Genesis of Light – Stage 1
A. The entrance of Light (Genesis 1:3)
B. The importance of Light to life (Genesis 1:9-13)
C. The rulership of Light (Genesis 1:14-19)
D. The image-bearers of Light (Genesis 1:26)
1b. The genesis of darkness' defeat – Stage 1
A. The entrance of darkness (Genesis 3:1-6)
B. The reaction to darkness (Genesis 3:7-14)
C. The ultimate defeat of darkness (Genesis 3:15)
D. The temporary setback of darkness (Genesis 3:20-21)
2a. The Incarnated Light – Stage 2
A. The Light is Person(al) (John 1:1-3)
B. The Light is life (John 1:4)
C. The Light is incomprehensible (John 1:5)
D. The Light's witness (John 1:6-8)
E. The Light's mission (John 1:9-12)
2b. The binding of darkness – Stage 2
A. The chains of darkness (Job 1-2)
B. The nation's released from darkness (Revelation 20:1-3)
C. The initial fall of the prince of darkness (Luke 10:17-20)
D. The binding of the prince of darkness and the spoiling of his house (Matthew 12:29)
E. The binding of the minions of darkness (2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6)
F. The defeat of darkness on the cross (Isaiah 25:8, Luke 1:79, 1 Corinthians 15:54-55)
3. The Light spreads to all nations – Stage 3
A. The Great Co-Mission (Matthew 28:18-20)
B. The mission to the nations (Acts 1:8)
C. The mission to individuals (2 Corinthians 4:4-6; 2 Peter 1:19)
4. The Final Victory—Light makes the darkness go away forever – Stage 4
A. Darkness separated forever from light (Revelation 20:10-15)
B. Light secures all nations (Revelation 11:15)
C. Light forever separated from darkness (Revelation 21, 22, esp. 22:5)

Dec 7, 2008
Sunday - AM
1 John 1:5; Revelation 21:23
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