
A Time to Kill


I don't normally align my preaching schedule with most of the items on our cultural calendar (Christmas and Easter are the exceptions). So when "Sanctity of Life Sunday" came around this year, I had no intention of preaching on that subject.

However, in the providence of God, our text for our Sunday School study in the book of Joshua fell to chapter 20 dealing with the "Cities of Refuge". That subject provided more than ample opportunity to address the subject of taking of human life. So in Sunday school I addressed the sixth commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill" including a number of ramifications, including the doctrine of "Just Wars".

Then in the following Morning Worship Service, I addressed the text in Joshua 20 directly, "Christ as our Refuge from the wrath of God". Or as someone posted the other day, "The Only Refuge from God, is God"

So on the program today, we will look at all of these related issues.

Jan 24, 2012
Current Events
Exodus 20:13
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