
"Parable of the Wedding Feast"

132 ( 108 | 24 )

This fifth message in our six part series on parables compares the kingdom of heaven with a wedding feast. Jesus gives direction through parables. A king sends out an n INVITE through his slaves, to call those chosen to come to the feast. He describes the banquet and its readiness, but some of those invited were simply unwilling to come, others disregarded his offer, and the rest abused and killed his slaves. The king brings destruction upon those murderers, and because those invited were disapproved, he seeks others to attend the feast. Eventually, because his slaves departed to the highways and byways to gather new guests, an INFLUX of attendees arrived, filling the wedding hall. Upon INSPECTION, the king discovered a guest not dressed in wedding clothes, and had him cast into outer darkness. The point of the parable is that a clear division will be made between those who are summoned (called/invited) and those who are selected (chosen/dressed).

Dec 23, 2018
Sunday Service
Matthew 22:1-14
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