
Our Miracle Working Savior


How can you not absolutely fall in love with this passage in John chapt. 9? Truly there is "power in the details" of this account.

For you who love to meditate on Jesus. Think fresh thoughts about Jesus. This passage is for you! Think about Jesus passing through a mob bent on murdering him. Rather than running for his life, he pauses to heal this blind man right outside the temple. Amazing!

J. B. Phillips, the author of one of the modem para-phrases of the Bible, sensed this keenly in his translation work and has written of it.
"I had deep respect, indeed a great reverence, for the conventional Jesus Christ whom the Church wor-shipped.
But I was not at all prepared for the unconventional man revealed in those terse Gospels. No one could possibly have invented such a person: this was no puppet-hero built out of the imaginations of adoring admirers. 'This man Jesus,' so briefly described, rang true, sometimes alarmingly true. I be-gan to see now why the religious establishment of those days wanted to get rid of Him at all costs. He was sudden death to pride, pomposity, and pretense.
"This man could be moved with compassion and could be very gentle, but I could find no trace of the 'Gentle Jesus, meek and mild.' He was quite terrifyingly tough, not in a Bulldog Drummond-James Bond sort of way, but by the sheer strength of a unified and utterly dedicated personality.
He once (at least) walked unscathed through a murderous crowd. I have known a few, a very, very few, men who could do that. But then I find that this sheer strength was still His after hours of unspeakable agony in the garden of Gethsemane."

Dec 23, 2013
Midweek Service
John 9:6-12
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