
Blasphemous Charismatic & Pentecostal Mayhem #6: "The New Apostolic Reformation"

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Rob Zins, Th.M, Dallas Theological Seminary (website: http://www.CWRC-RZ.ORG) to discuss the modern day anti "Sola Scriptura" Charismatic & Pentecostal movement infecting Christianity worldwide. Rob Zins is the author of "On the Edge of Apostasy," "Romanism: & others.

The so-called "Evangelical Church" has become polluted in anti Biblical heresy, ignorance & emotionalism (for more on this see our video "87% OF EVANGELICAL "CHRISTIANS" DON'T KNOW WHAT THE GOSPEL OR JUSTIFICATION IS" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im4oz...). John MacArthur's book "Strange Fire" describes the history & teachings of this group well ("What would God say about those who blatantly misrepresent His Holy Spirit; who exchange true worship for chaotic fits of mindless ecstasy; who replace the biblical gospel with vain illusions of health and wealth; who claim to prophesy in His name yet speak errors; and who sell false hope to desperate people for millions of dollars?

The charismatic movement has always been a breeding-ground for scandal, greed, bad doctrine, and all kinds of spiritual chicanery. As a movement, it is clearly headed the wrong direction. And it is growing at an unprecedented rate.

From the Word of Faith to the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), the Charismatic movement is being consumed by the empty promises of the prosperity gospel. Too many charismatic celebrities promote a "Christianity" without Christ, a Holy Spirit without holiness. And their teaching is having a disastrous influence on a grand scale, as large television networks broadcast their heresies to every part of the world.

Nov 28, 2018
John 18:36; Matthew 7:15
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