
The Minor Prophets Part 8 (Jonah)

126 ( 88 | 38 )

INTRODUCTION: We have come to the fifth book of the minor prophets, and if I were to give you an assignment it would be this: Read this book and tell me why it is among the prophets. I mean, what is prophetic about this book?

Now, let me see how many we have in this congregation with the name Jonah. Well, let me give you some information and then I will check again. There is some evidence that the name Jonah, is an early Hebrew name that later became Joannas in Greek and which is the same as the name we are familiar with, John. And if that is true, how many do we with the name Jonah? But now let me ask the question a little differently. God told Jonah to go warn Nineveh, and Jonah would not obey when God called. Now, let me ask, how many of us has God called to do something, and we did not obey? How many Jonah's do we have now?

Dec 9, 2012
Sunday Service
Jonah 1
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