
The Minor Prophets Part 1

178 ( 143 | 35 )

INTRO: Over the next number of months I want to do 1 or 2 messages on each of the last 12 books of the OT called the minor prophets. One of the major reasons for that is because so many of you are reading through the Bible. I am very, very encouraged with that. And a basic understanding of these 12 books will help you with the major prophets as well. I trust this will be a great asset to you when you read through the Bible. And may I encourage you to memorize the names of these 12 books in their biblical order. One of the very helpful things I did many years ago was to memorize the order of these books, and it helps me almost every time I am looking for one of these books.

Now, one of my fears in preaching through these books is that sometimes I will have to reduce as many as 14 chapters to two messages. It is easier for me to do 14 messages un such a book than two. I have to study enough to do many messages, but have to reduce them to two. And maybe you are thinking its about time I learned to reduce. Well, I haven't accomplished it yet.

Sep 16, 2012
Sunday Service
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