
What would Jesus answer CNN about the earthquake in Haiti?

Featured on Feb 17, 2010

Introduction: A 7.0 Richter Scale earthquake hit one of the most impoverished nations in the world, and certainly the poorest nation in the Americas leaving scores of thousands of dead people, destruction, ruin, pain and anguish in Haiti

When tragedies hit others, we tend to conclude that there must be a reason behind that is attributable to error, carelessness or sin, but Jesus says something completely different. Let us turn to NAS Luke 13:1-9


  1. A gruesome report:

  2. What did the account refer to?

Matthew Henry: “we cannot judge of men's sins, by their sufferings in this world…” but, “we should consider the sudden and extraordinary [death] of others as warnings to ourselves.”

  • We die in our beds or in a national calamity, because we are born sinners *

Thesis: What should we learn about others' calamities? A) Remember our own sinfulness b) Remember the patience of God & c) Remember the certainty of His Judgment

Jan 18, 2010
Sunday - AM
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