
One Who is Son

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Transcripted segment on Jesus Growing into the Human Person He Was:
So all the mysteries of the divine will were known to the Son as he takes on our humanity. It’s a wonderful picture, actually, as he takes on our humanity, his human nature, of course, in the mother’s womb, knows nothing. You know, in the Middle Ages, they had… there was a period in the Middle Ages… there was one period where religious drawing, art, would draw the Son, paint the Son, in the womb of his mother Mary, looking like a grown man. It was just trying to communicate something of his eternal knowledge and so on. It was intended to communicate that idea. But of course, he wasn’t. He was a baby-thing. When he was born, he was just a little baby. He learned at the same stages we do. Perhaps, as time went on, it accelerated. We know that by the time he was twelve, we’re told in Luke 2, that “the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom.” He was drawing, he is drawing from the knowledge that he has as the eternal Son of God, even in his humanity. By the age of twelve, he is able to say to the doctors of theology in Jerusalem, as he’s debating with them, as a twelve year old boy, arguing theology with them. He is able, even at that point, to know that he is the Son of the Father. So that when his parents come to get him and take him home, after they’ve lost him for three days, he tells them, “I was about my Father’s business.” And it confused them. He was already past his PhD in Trinitarian theology by that stage. He grew. It then goes on to say, in summary of that, that he grew in wisdom and stature. His human nature took time to absorb the knowledge of God

Nov 6, 2016
Sunday - AM
Hebrews 1:1-3; John 3:31-34
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