
By Faith


We rejoice in God's grace to us in Christ as we continue to celebrate the Reformation of the 16th century this morning. In the Reformation, justification by faith alone, or the heart of the Gospel, was recovered and once again made clearly known through preaching and teaching in the Church. If a person is justified by faith alone apart from works of the law, then where do works fit in? If we are not saved by faith and works, but are saved by faith alone in Christ's works alone, how do we biblically seek to produce the holiness and fruit that should flow from our salvation without falling into works righteousness? How can we at KCPC seek to be holy, effective and fruitful in our faith, while vigorously avoiding moralism and antinomian sinfulness and neglect?

Nov 7, 2010
Sunday - AM
James 2:14-26; Romans 4:1-8; Romans 4:22-25
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