
Nationalism vs. Covenant


Many of have been encouraged by the recent change in the balance of power this Tuesday last and on the surface many things do appear better, however, as Christians we must be aware of the circumstances that caused our nation to slide into perdition and evaluated if any of those effector have been mitigated. If we do this, we will clearly see that our political situation is only a byproduct. We have and will continue to get the government we deserve.

As Solomon so aptly put it, “There is nothing new under the sun...”. We can look to scripture for historic examples of how a once Godly nation can fall and why. Furthermore, we can see how a fallen nation can find it's way back into the favor of God.

In Chronicles, the Lord reveals to us how a nations rise and fall is directly related to the state of the Church. When a nation no longer keeps the Law and shutters the church, it falls and pays the consequences of tyrannical leadership and/or military defeat and occupation. When a nation repents and turns to the Law they are blessed. The key to a strong and peaceful nation is a strong church. Strong Churches start with strong families, and a strong family start with you.

As you listen consider the states of your church, your family, and your personal life. Are you giving your best to the Lord? Are you supporting the kingdom as you should?

Revival does not happen because people are waiting for it happen, it happens when we obey God and uphold His Law. God will honor our obedience with revival.

Nov 7, 2010
Sunday - AM
2 Chronicles 7
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