
The Deity and Humanity of Christ


Who is Jesus Christ? In this sermon on the deity and humanity of Christ, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines this question, looking at what all of Scripture has to say about the person and work of Jesus Christ. He is given many names: Son of God, Messiah, Lord, and others. This points to the great fact that Jesus is truly divine. He is said to be the creator of the world, omnipotent, and omniscient. He is no mere creature, but He is God in the flesh who came to save His people. But He was also truly a man. He was like humans who are tempted, but He never sinned. He was hungry, cold, and He slept. Yet, He was always still truly God and man as He did all these things. Why does this matter? It matters because who Jesus is cannot be separated from the question of what He has done. On the cross, Jesus died so that all who believe in Him might be saved and made children of God. It is only because He is God and man that He is able to save perfectly.

Nov 30, 2022
Sunday Service
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