
Catching Up on Recent Events Before Leaving Town


Caught up on a number of articles I had saved before I leave tomorrow for St. Charles and other locations (see the banner ads for details). Right before the program started Dr. Michael Brown published an article about Twitter's banning (ready for this?) "deadnaming." Yeah. Deadnaming. That's like when you call Bruce Jenner…Bruce Jenner instead of "Caitlyn." So, in other words, it is Twitter demanding you bow your knee to the insanity and join in! It's only going to get worse, folks, believe me. Anyway, we talked a bit about an article warning about "interfaith dialogues," we talked about the upcoming pre-conference at G3 on Social Justice, and I finished off discussing the fact that I joined the membership of Apologia Church (Pastor Jeff Durbin) on Sunday, and intend to do what I can to edify the saints there (and through that work many others, since Apologia definitely has a focus upon wide distribution of the preached and taught Word). Obviously, this will not change the mission or focus of Alpha and Omega Ministries, it will only mean I am teaching and preaching and fellowshipping in a different location on Sundays.

Nov 28, 2018
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