
The Heroes' Hall of Fame #50 FL Valley Mission


Hebrews Chap. 11 Class number 50
This is Brother Jim Phillips, I preached this last message with a heavy heart at the Fish Lake Valley Baptist Mission December 20, 1995. I left the valley that I loved so much to move back to California to care for the health of my daughter Dakotah. I know now it was God's will and I thought so then but it just about broke my heart to leave that beautiful place and the people that I loved. God has used me greatly in California at Valley Baptist Church where I have taught and been one of the voluntary pastors for nearly 20 years. But,I left a part of my heart in Fish Lake Valley. I gave them the best that I had while I was there some believed and some tried to assassinated my character. I loved those years that I preached there and will remember them the rest of my life. Brother Ed Pratt was and is a very special man. He stood beside me through thick and thin trying to help me to protect the life of my daughter. I will always appreciate Brother Eddie for allowing me to help lay the spiritual foundation of the building of the missiom work there in Fish Lake Valley, Nevada. It had always been the desire of my heart to build a true New Testament Church in that Valley. I preached many messages there but these are the only recordings that have survived the years. Of the more then 40 years of my ministry these were some of the most challenging but precious.

Dec 20, 1995
Midweek Service
Hebrews 11:1
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