
Despair at the Fall of Heroes


The nation recalls this week the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy.

The doctors who tried to save him largely go unmentioned. They had much skill, but there was nothing they could do, so grave were the wounds the President bore. Had they saved him, they would have been heralded for their skills, yet now they go largely unmarked, still sad that they could not do more.

But what of the hopes and dreams the people had invested in the President? Kennedy, like Roosevelt, Reagan, and Obama, were swept into power with the adulation of their supporters, who were sure that great things would take place.

And yet, in every case, the hopes are largely disappointed. While some things are accomplished, most of the promises fall to the ground. Many feel that Kennedy was cut down before he could accomplish great things for the nation.

The death of the hero accomplishes nothing, for he must live to act out his promises. His death is never celebrated, but only marked by loss and grief.

Oh, how the Believer must take courage and joy in our blessed Savior! We were too far gone in our sins, and all the preachers and scholars in the world could not save us.

But Praise God, our Lord Jesus is the Great Physician! When all hope was lost, He saved us by his dying for us at Calvary!

His disciples held out high hopes for Jesus to restore the kingdom and rescue Israel from the Romans. John the Baptist, rotting in prison, began to think that the hero had failed His people.

But Jesus had far better plans than that!

When He went to the cross, His disciples knew that everything was lost. But at that very moment, Christ was saving His people forever!

Nov 24, 2013
Sunday Service
Luke 2:34-35; Matthew 11:2-3
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