
Three Things Israel Has Lost. They relate to The Mystery of Blue Tassels

344 ( 262 | 82 )

We take a holiday and the world falls into chaos. Go figure. We have countries that are cooperating; countries that have been enemies through past millennium. What's up with this? And our pastor expands on this topic somewhat. What's surprising is that he's doing it during the actual lecture and not in the pregame show. We hope that gets us off the hook... Sharron.

Okay... where were we? We were pouring over the Scriptures that we need in order to solve the man gathering wood and the rebellious son that brought us God’s declaration that all men must wear Blue Tassels on the edges of their tallitot (Tallitot is the Hebrew plural of tallit... You’re welcome.) And from there we've even delved into some of the times Blue Tassels are referenced in the New Testament; case in point, “The 12 year bleeding woman” and “the 12 year old dead daughter”. So now pastor has us looking even deeper into what’s going on with this bleeding woman. As always, there is much more to the account than meets the eye. Luke, the physician is writing this mind you, and he says she's doomed. No cure and no hope. And I think I should let you listen from here, because, trust me... it gets really good at this point.

But I am duty bound to provide pastor's list to those of you who refuse to watch the video:

Lost "Things"

  1. YHVH (How to pronounce God's Name)
  2. Ark of the Testimony (Covenant)
  3. Blue Dye

Why are these things important? Well... now you have to listen and find out. You’ll thank me later.

And of course, if you’re new to Cliffside, it’s quite alright to ask our pastor any questions you may have. You can write him or give him a call.

Thanks for listening.

Jul 10, 2016
Sunday Service
Luke 8:41-56; Numbers 15:32-41
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