
COP27 - Climate Change Conference


This edition of Crosstalk began with news concerning H.R.8404 (Respect for Marriage Act). As the live edition of Crosstalk aired, your legislators were convening on this legislation and were scheduled to vote on it as well.

This bill would codify the Obergefell decision and same-sex marriage. Groups like Eagle Forum and Liberty Counsel have warned that it could be expanded to include state allowance of polygamy which means other states would have to recognize it.

Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel indicates that members of the Senate have proposed an amendment to H.R. 8404 that fails to provide protections for people or organizations with sincerely held religious beliefs about biblical marriage.

Next, Jim brought information on the G20 conference taking place in Indonesia. Klaus Schwab, the Chairman of the World Economic Forum, opened the summit on Monday calling for global restructuring.

Jim then moved to an article from Lifesite News that echos themes from other speeches given by Schwab. He's told business leaders that there needs to be a particular focus on technology, energy, the reshaping of supply chains, and holding accountable those who pollute the environment.

For the remainder of the program, Jim was joined by Alex Newman. He's an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He's senior editor for The New American and contributes to other publications as well. He is author of Crimes of the Educators and Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes. He is Founder of Liberty Sentinel.

Alex was covering the COP27 (Conference of the Parties) Climate Change Conference in Egypt.

Nov 16, 2022
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