
He Was Full

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He Was Full

Full of who and what is right.

Therefore, he overflowed with all that is right and righteous.

Welcome to our Briggs Chapel Sunday Morning Preaching and Teaching Time with Pastor Nick Holden (01.07.2024).

Stephen is a man full of God and all that comes with being full of Him. He overflowed with truth, wisdom, and faith. He was a sponge that soaked up and spilled over all that Jesus had for him.

Today and every day is a glorious day to be a sponge filled with all the goodness that is granted to each of us that belongs to Jesus… soaking up His message to be squeezed and poured out whatever He needs water.

How about you? Are you a sponge that soaks up the water of the word of God or some type of synthetic material that pushes more water than it can absorb?

A sponge absorbs, swells, and sees a change in its structure and is capable of holding water that can be squeezed out for so many applications. But some material, that claims to be more absorbent, pushes more water than it picks up.

I don't know about you, but for me, I like a good old sponge. This new stuff they market, that pushes water around, is useless.

I want to be a sponge that soaks up and holds the precious water of the word of God. I pray I swell up with it, so I'm so sensitive to the slightest touch, that it doesn't take much at all for His word to be pressed and squeezed out of me. Like Stephen and Phillip in Acts 7 and 8. Sponges of truth that the Lord continued to dip in His bucket of life and squeeze out wherever He wanted. They were not mere men who just pushed the word around when it seemed best to them. Soak it up my friends, let it change you, hold on to it, and let Him use you to

Jan 11, 2024
Sunday Afternoon
Acts 6; Acts 7
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