
Faith versus Sight (sermon 677)


Spurgeon launches himself into this sermon hard. It is not one of his most polished addresses, but it has a certain raw vigour about it, both for style and for substance, which reminds us of the true strength of his ministry: the God in whom he had such robust confidence. In contrasting walking by faith and walking by sight, he first of all considers what is meant by walking, and how these two principles are therefore going to govern all our life, one way or another, and primarily encouraging the walk of faith. Then he moves on to a more direct contrast, and here he is primarily negative about walking by faith, exposing its vanity and folly. Finally, he urges us to keep the two distinct, and not to mix sight with faith, especially with regard to our understanding of salvation, and our relationship to God. We must not be governed by experience, by feeling, by passing providences, but must be anchored to truth, divine revelation, and hold to the Jesus of the Scripture, set forth in the Bible as the only object of saving faith. For our one hundredth podcast, we do not try to choose Spurgeon at his finest or most palatable, but to offer another representative sermon of a preacher of Jesus Christ who would have his hearers come to and cling to his beloved Saviour.

Nov 11, 2022
2 Corinthians 5:7
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