
Dealing with Suffering


Thesis: What do you do when you find yourself in the midst of trials and tribulations?

The text speaks of 4 responses or attitudes to continually live for Christ in the midst of sufferings.

  1. Expect Suffering v 12
    a. He speaks to people he loves - Beloved
    b. Trials should not be "a stranger" to you.
    c. 'Fiery deal" - his Jewish audience might think of Daniel's 3

friends. Or, Malachi 3:1-3
d. Regardless, the idea is being tried and made into the image of Christ.
e. Don't be surprised because God is refining and purifying us for His glory in Jesus Christ
f. Expect trials, there are no coincidences, there are GODinsidences

  1. Rejoice when Suffering Comes v13-14
    a. Active -" Keep Rejoicing" for your reward
    b. Luke 6:22-23
    c. "Our reward is in heaven"
    d. "You are suffering for Christ"
    e. John 15:20-21

  2. Evaluate your Suffering v15
    a. Matthew 5:21-22 - Don't be deceived by your flesh. Are you suffering because your own foolishness
    b. Why are you suffering? Your sins? or Christ?
    c. Acts 4:12
    d. If your suffering is for Christ? Phil 4:6-7

  3. If you suffer, Trust God v19
    a. Rest In Him. Let God take the suffering to its intended purpose
    b. Don't fight against God - Cor 12:7-10
    c. HIS way is always the best way

Sufferings are often a blessing from God and ordained for His children. Rom 8:28-39 - ".....All things work together for good to those who love God...."

Jan 10, 2016
Sunday Service
1 Peter 4:12-19
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