
Abortion - The Land Cries Out


Proposition: The Land Cries Out In Three Ways.

I Blood Defiles the Land
II Blood Actually Testifies
What can we do?
1 Praise
2 Love
3 Educate
4 Vote
5 Evangelize
III Blood Actually Saves

Greg Koukl - “If you vote for a pro-abortion candidate for personal reasons (like economics) that are not more weighty than justice concerns (the wholesale destruction of children), then you are doing something profoundly un-Christian. If this happens often enough, you are either not a Christian or your Christianity completely fails to inform your political life. One wonders if it informs any other aspect of your life as well, and if it doesn't, then by what right do you call yourself a Christian?”

What will I do this week in light of this message?

Ex 20:13 "You shall not murder."
Abortion ends a human life.

Diary of an Unborn Baby
Day 1– fertilization: all human chromosomes are present; unique human life begins
Day 6– embryo begins implanting in the uterus
Day 22– heart begins to beat with the child's own blood, often a different type than the mother's
Week 5– eyes, legs, hands begin to develop
Week 6 – brain waves detectable; mouth, lips present; fingernails forming
Week 7– eyelids, toes form; nose distinct, baby kicking and swimming
Week 8– every organ in place; bones begin to replace cartilage, fingerprints begin to form;
Weeks 9 & 10- teeth begin to form, fingernails develop; baby can turn head, frown
Week 11– baby can grasp objects placed in hand; all organ systems functioning; the baby has fingerprints, a skeletal structure, nerves, and circulation
Week 12– the baby has all of the part necessary to experience pain, including the nerves, spinal

Jan 10, 2010
Sunday Service
Numbers 35
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