
Top 10 Reasons Muhammad is a False Prophet by Biblical & Moral Standards, Sam Shamoum

245 ( 158 | 87 )
  1. Muslims reject words of previous prophets; the claim they are corrupted. Yet Sura 5:46-48 says Jesus confirmed the law and the gospel. The Dead Sea Scrolls have the Old Testament from the Jesus’ time. www.MuslimHope.com/DeadSeaScrolls.htm
    If Allah were not powerful to preserve the law of Moses and the gospel of Jesus, Allah would not be powerful enough to preserve the message of the Qur’an. If Allah could preserve the message of the Qur’an, He could preserve His Word before then too. www.MuslimHope.com/WhatEarlyChristiansTaughtSummaryGrid.htm
  2. Islam rejects prophets teaching that God is a Father. This is affirmed by Jews, Christians, and frequently in the Old and New Testaments. www.MuslimHope.com/FatherhoodOfGod.htm
    While God is not a Father in a sexual sense, He is both an adopted Father to believers, and He specially begot Jesus before time began. God is clearly a Father in the copies of scripture we have at the time of Jesus. www.MuslimHope.com/DeadSeaScrolls.htm
  3. Jesus taught that He is the Son of God and accepted Worship as God. The Qur’an rejects this.
    www.MuslimHope.com/JesusIsGod.htm. Even early pagan writers acknowledge this is what was taught.
  4. Allah deceives – even all the followers of Christ. Yet the Bible says God does not lie (Num 23:19; 1 Sam 15:24) In the Qur’an Allah is the greatest of schemers, fooling all His early followers into thinking Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead. www.MuslimHope.com/DeceptionInIslam.htm
    Some Errors in the Qur’an
  5. Zul Qarnain: the sun does not set in a muddy spring.
Aug 8, 2015
Matthew 7:15; Matthew 24:11
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