
Prophecy Class #4: Interpretation of Prophecy

201 ( 131 | 70 )

1.In what city did Origen live, and (2) how did he interpret Scripture?
2.What did Jerome reject.
3.Who was one of the first men to make Scripture conform to the heretical doctrine of the pagan institution of Rome?
4.Who was said to have laid the foundation of the grammatical interpretation of Scripture?
5.Who said, “Every word should be allowed to stand in its natural meaning”?
6.What did John Calvin say about the meaning of the Words of God?
7.With what does sound exegesis begin?
8.What did David L. Cooper say about the interpretation of Scripture?
9.How was the future made to appear to many of the Old Testament prophets?
10.At times, how did the prophets speak of things “that belong to the future”?
11.What are the five name Isaiah gives to the Messiah?
12.How did Angus-Green say the prophets at times spoke of future events?
13.What is the “law of double reference”?
14.According to Girdlestone, name the prophet who “had learned the great lesson of the Sovereignty of God?
15.What is recorded in Psalm 110:4?
16.How does Peters classify the prophecies relating to the Kingdom of God?
17.(1) How did Fritsch define an allegory, and (2) how did he contrast it with typology?
18.Sadly, what lower critic of Scripture did Fritsch quote?
19.What is prophetic by its very nature?
20.(1) Who said, “the inspired writers never destroyed the historical sense of Scripture,” and (2) what is wrong with part of this statement?
21.List Ramm’s six kinds of symbols.
22.What do some students of prophecy occasionally overlook?
23.What did Angus-Green say should be rejected?
24.How did the LORD say He would make Himself known?

Oct 2, 2015
Special Meeting
Isaiah 9:6; Numbers 12:6
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