
Conversion: First Disciples


Conversion to Christ is unique among religious conversions. It takes many forms, but it always has the same results. There were differences in the way the first disciples met Jesus. Some were attracted by the description, 'Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world'. Nathaniel was sceptical, Simon was curious, while Philip was just commandeered. So it is with us. Many have a buried awareness of Jesus from something in the past. All start ignorant. And some respond to a person who promises to remedy our ills. In every case there are personal dealings with Christ Jesus - no Christianity without that. The account also tells us things about Jesus. He has not come out of nowhere but is part of the bigger story of God's work to redeem his fallen creation and restore sinners to his likeness and his family. Everything about Jesus inspires confidence, not least his faithfulness that led him even to death on a cross. It tells us that he welcomes sinners, and he transforms them. He says to us what he said to Philip, 'Follow me.'

Oct 5, 2014
Sunday - AM
John 1:35-51
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