
Hope for the Hopeless


Many today are feeling hopeless! Alienated, forsaken, powerless, oppressed, limited, doomed, helpless with no way out and nothing to look forward to in life. Peter, in 1 Peter, is writing to a group of persecuted Christians who were feeling all of the above. Hopeless! To them and to us today,, he assures us that we have a 'living hope'. Hope is not wishful thinking, but rather faith in God to handle our future. Why can we be hopeful? Because we've been born again, adopted into God's forever family. We can have home because Jesus Christ is alive today. He was raised from the dead. We today have an inheritance which is incorruptible, undefiled, and fadeless-- our future salvation from the very presence of sin! And we can be sure of it for it is reserved in heaven for us-- the safest place in and out of this world. Plus we are kept by the power of God! Nothing can ever separate us from God's love! So there is hope for the hopeless, that hope is found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Service
1 Peter 1:1-5; Romans 4:18-21
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