
The Copenhagen Treaty, Rights of Child Treaty, Cap and Trade


What's all this trending towards centralization, as America surrenders national sovereignty piece by piece? If a nation can't handle it's own governance, how in the world are we to expect world government to do a better job at it?

Kevin Swanson points out that huge centralized empires killed hundreds of millions in the 20th century, not to mention 40-50 million per year just in aborted children. That's not exactly a sterling record for the prime years of raw humanism - you know, the age of Aquarius! It's hard to imagine the 21st century is going to be a whole lot better. So what to do about it? Instead of freaking out about world government and spending your years throwing rocks at the United Nations, what about putting a little time into worshiping God, building godly families and churches, and decentralizing your economy back to an oikonomia? What about fearing God, loving Him and keeping His commandments? And on yeah, don't forget to vote for a Daniel or a Joseph who's running for office and happens to walk in fear before the living God.

Oct 23, 2009
Radio Broadcast
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