
Heb # 22 The Law weak and unprofitable Heb 7 vs 18-19

  1. The matter of understanding God's teaching on the matter of the Law is very important to believing the truth about the work of Christ in the salvation of sinners.

  2. Many hold views of the Law that are contrary to God's teaching.

  3. Many want to continue to hire the Law for work that God already retired the Law from and that is called unbelief-NOT obedience.

  4. God says-the Law is WEAK and UNPROFITABLE to the sinner. Now you are not going to hear that in messages or in creeds and confessions. Rather what you hear are people who claim to be striving to do that which WEAK and UNPROFITABLE.

  5. The Law is the ministry of death and condemnation-therefore COULD MAKE NOTHING PERFECT. This also you do not hear. This is not talking about the so called "ceremonial Law." The Law is a contract -therefore all the terms of it come under ONE COVENANT-UNBREAKABLE INTO CONVENIENT PIECES.

  6. Every Priesthood brings their own package. Moses (Mt Sinai-the Law-the Ten Commandments) has his own package and it was SIN, DEATH and CONDEMNATION. Christ as the new and better Priesthood brings His own package ( LIFE, righteousness, the Holy Spirit, Grace, Faith, Repentance, sanctification, redemption, adoption etc)

  7. Moses is a retired husband-because He could not bring perfection to the sinner. The Law has no resources to help a sinner. The Law is like the man who takes you out on an expensive and exquisite date-but does not pay the bill.

  8. This is a very wonderful gospel message and it is worthy of your time if you want to understand what the arguments-because this is a matter of the gospel. .

Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Service
Hebrews 7:18-19
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