
Man on the Run

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When I was a kid there was a popular TV show called “The Fugitive” in which a man falsely convicted of killing his wife escapes from custody and seeks to find the true killer while also evading the law.

In this section of I Samuel David is a fugitive. For several chapters he is chased from place to place, trying to evade murderous King Saul. In evading Saul David sometimes does things which we might question, such as lying to the chief priest and seeking refuge with the Philistines.

There is a story behind the story, however. While this section of Scripture describes David's actions, the reader is aware that it is the LORD who is protecting and providing for David.

There also is more to our story than meets the eye. Four of David's Psalms (34,56, 57,142) are specifically tied to the week's text. In these we see what was in David's heart as he was facing these great trials. In his distress David cries out to God who hears and delivers him, resulting in heartfelt praise. The experiences of David (the LORD's anointed king) are mirrored in the life of Jesus as He too sought provision and protection from the Father as He faced murderous enemies.

We too face significant trials in this life. Because we are in Christ we can pray as David prayed in the Psalms, knowing the LORD cares for us as He did for His Anointed (even when we don't deserve it). Just as David gathered a group of distressed misfits as his followers (22:2), we who have been rejected by the world are Christ's band of misfits through whom He conquers the world. (I Cor. 1:26ff)

Nov 16, 2008
Sunday Service
1 Samuel 21:1
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