
What Do You Know About God? Science can't answer Life or Gravity. Theologians can

364 ( 312 | 52 )

Pre-Game: Do you know where the Curd's came from? Do you know what they are going to do? If you are watching on YouTube, you will hear what many Christians do not know. Pastor Chronister corrects some grave errors here.

But we must get on with the lecture... after we hear some wonderful letters from some of you out there. You have no idea how much your encouragement means to our pastor and all of us on the Cliffside.

Wait... is our pastor going to do something new today? You regular listeners... well, your male cow excrement meters are screaming right about now. ...nothing new under the sun. Will we get a curve ball? For now, we review what has gone before. Get ready to write down some Scriptures here. We're talking about the “breath of life”. Both animals and us, got life breathed into us. And we go straight to Revelation and Daniel. Then, to John 11:25 and John 8:12. Jesus Christ is the only one who can reverse Genesis 3:19 back to Genesis 2:7. He is the only one who knows death. He is the authority on Life and Death.

Ah... this is new (sort of). Is consciousness eliminated while under anesthesia? Anesthesiologists will tell you they can extinguish your consciousness. Now that's a new can of worms! Let's listen in. Hey, this one might even be interesting. Just like Life and Gravity... The answer is not without, it's within. Science cannot answer these questions, only theologians can. Existence/Will, Life.

I need to stop here, even though the lecture is only two thirds of the way through. Christians need to know what this man is helping us see in the Bible, but most today do not, or will not.

Do we get back to The Heart? Well, duh. Thanks for listening.

Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Service
John 8:12; John 11:25
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