
Church History #5 The Calling of the Church


Lesson 5 in a study of church history by Dr James M Phillips. Dr Phillips travels through history to the point where Christ begins to call out His Ekklesia, ones called out. The history of the word ekklesia is traced to its ancient roots in this study. Study materials for this class are in the web sore under Thr Trail of Blood. We regretfully state that Dr. Jim did not have the funds to record these classes on video which would have captured at least 2 hours of each class. Dr. Jim is an unsalaried volunteer pastor at Valley Baptist Church and these classes are all recorded out of his own funds which are limited. Not having these classes on video was a great loss because many of these classes went way beyond the CD and Cassettes' recording times. Please take time to send a donation to help keep these recordings and classes up on the web for all to learn God's word.

Oct 8, 2006
Sunday Afternoon
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