
Modern Day Influencers


The example of men whose faith was not mere words, but observable.

  1. Genuine concern for others- v20-21
    a. Timothy
    i. 2 Tim 1:5 - Genuine Faith
    ii. 2 Tim 3:14-15 - influenced by mother and grandmother. Also influenced by Paul.
    iii. Paul's fellow soldier
    b. Epaphroditus
    i. distressed because the Philippians were distressed

  2. Proven faith - v22/v25
    a. Epaphroditus
    i. Paul calls my brother and fellow worker and soldier.
    ii.Receive him with all joy and honor
    b. Timothy
    i. Paul had first time knowledge of the work of grace in Timothy's life.

  3. Unique relationship with Paul
    a. Epaphroditus
    i. "..my brother.."
    ii. Trust built through the experience in Thessalonica

b. Timothy
i. a Father and Son relationship - Son in the Faith
ii. He observed and served

  1. Conclusion
  2. Exhortation - Parents your faith must be observable. Consider what you are modeling for your children.
  3. Praise Jesus - His death is the most glorious act of Love the motivates not just to speak but to live the gospel in our homes, churches and communities.
Sep 8, 2019
Sunday Service
Philippians 2:19-30
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