
Biblical Principles for Separating From Backsliding Churches; Or, Separation & Schism


During the mid to late 1600s thousands of presbyterians in Scotland were martyred for their commitment to biblical Christianity. They refused to worship in the churches sanctioned by a corrupt civil government, and were hunted down and killed for worshipping according to the Bible in other places such as open fields. Like the Covenanters of our day who are falsely accused of being 'schismatics' for not uniting with compromised churches, the Covenanter martyrs of the seventeenth century were also falsely accused of being schismatics. After all, by joining with the official episcopal church of the day they would be able to save their lives and property, though this would have been at the cost of faithfulness to Christ. It was to a large degree because of their so-called 'schismatic' behavior that they were murdered by people who themselves claimed to be Christians.

Anyone committed to biblical presbyterianism would agree, however, that the Covenanters should fulfill their Covenant oath to uphold presbyterianism rather than compromise the truth for pragmatic reasons. These Covenanters sealed their commitment to the truth with their blood. Undoubtedly it was painful for them to have other Christians heap abuse upon them by accusing them of schism while they died for the Faith. Many other false charges were also laid against them.

For more information about the Covenanters, please visit SWRB's home page at the 'Outside Web Link' below.

Sep 28, 2007
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Philippians 3:16; Proverbs 22:28
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