
Antichrist Islam is Promoted by Pope Francis & Roman Catholicism Supports Islam

427 ( 334 | 93 )

Former Roman Catholic priest for 22 years Richard Bennett (website: http://www.BEREANBEACON.ORG) speaking on the subject of how Pope Francis & the Roman Catholic religion promote & encourage the anti Christ religion of Islam created by the false prophet Muhammad (see our video "Top 10 Reasons Muhammad is a False Prophet by Biblical & Moral Standards - Sam Shamoun & David Wood" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ayGn3K9894).

As huge numbers of Islamic migrants continue to stream into Europe from the Middle East, there is great concern among Western people. Nonetheless, even with this astonishing background, Pope Francis continues to promote Islam. Instead of warning people against the dangers they face from the onslaught of migrating Muslims from across the world, Francis has left unaddressed Islamic persecution of Middle Eastern and African Christians, and indeed Europeans. In fact, Pope Francis’ outreach to Islam is simply an intensified application of the Roman Catholic Church’s Vatican Council II teaching.

The Roman Church has been consistently encouraging a massive influx of Muslims into Europe, even into the USA. Such immigration is a basic cause for the attacks that have already taken place. For example, there was the massacre in Paris on Friday, November 13, 2015, during which at least 128 people were killed,[1] and for which the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) has claimed responsibility.[2] Incidents of Islamic terror, such as the Paris attack or the San Bernardino attack in the USA, are driven by a vile, totalitarian ideology. Islam has its own dynamic, and it is not based on any logical or rational grievances.

Mar 11, 2016
John 14:6
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