
The Four Horsemen


In chapter 6, we encounter the first of the cycles of judgment in Revelation. This section begins with the opening of seven seals, which is followed by the sound of seven trumpets, which is followed by the pouring out of seven bowls of wrath. Each of them concludes with the second coming of Christ, which indicates they are not speaking of the last seven years of history. Rather they depict events that happen throughout history and who is controlling them. In our text today, we encounter opening of the first of the seven seals with four horsemen galloping throughout the earth. Here the Lord gives His church the comfort of knowing why there are wars and rumors of wars, killing, famine and pestilence. He reveals who is unleashing these things. AW Pink begins his book, "The Sovereignty of God with these words, "Who is regulating affairs on this earth today—God, or the Devil? That God reigns supreme in Heaven, is generally conceded; that He does so over this world, is almost universally denied."

May 9, 2021
Sunday Service
Revelation 6:1-8
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