
How God Protects His Church From Predators!


Zechariah was an appropriate man to be despatched to the nation of Judah just after her tribulation:

• His name means, “remembered of Jehovah;”
• while the names of his father and grandfather, (‘Berechiah’ and ‘Iddo’), mean “blessed of Jehovah” and “due time” respectively.

These significant names stack up to give an encouraging promise: in due time - His time - Jehovah would remember the nation, and pour out His blessing upon her!

Zechariah 2:1-5 is a wonderful example of this promise, setting the Lord before us as 'Our Defender And Benefactor ... The One Who Protects His Church From Predators!'

  1. SCRUTINY ...

The man with the measuring line points us to:

(a) The Plan and Purpose of God.
God is forever the Lord of order.

(b) The Compassion of God.

  1. SURETY ...

The promise is made to the man with the measuring line that God's blessing would be so extensive in the rebuilt Jerusalem that there would not be enough room within the perimeter of the old city walls to contain it!

  1. SECURITY ...

God pledged Himself to be "a wall of fire round about" and "the glory in the midst."

• The wall of fire recalls the pillar of fire God used to illumine and protect Israel in the wilderness - also refers to policy of protection used by shepherds.

• The glory in the midst is a reminder of the Shekinah glory that had departed from the temple, but was now coming back!

A message of revival blessing ... !

May 22, 2005
Sunday - PM
Zechariah 2:1-5
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