
A Very Private Celebration


Christ's resurrection accomplishes many things. Paul wrote that Christ was delivered up to death for our offenses, and raised from the grave because we are justified.

The resurrection is the clear proof that Christ's offering for our sin, in our place, has been accepted, because Jesus was set free from the judgment that Sunday morning.

Because He rose again, we can know His offering has taken away our sin that was laid upon Him, and for which He was judged!

The resurrection also proves that Jesus conquered death for all His people that He loves, and He has the power to raise us all up at the last day.

Therefore, the resurrection is our never ending joy and happiness! Christ arose, and so will we one day! Our Savior is no longer dead, but alive forevermore!

The Psalmist foretold that Messiah would die and rise again before His body saw corruption. Our resurrection is simultaneously promised, showing how Christ's and the saints' resurrections are forever entangled with each other. We will rise again one day, because Jesus never saw corruption!

But notice to whom Jesus appeared after He rose from the grave -- His people, His loved ones, those who trusted in Him!

Mary Magdalene, the other women on the way to inform the disciples that the tomb was empty, Peter, the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, the ten Apostles, to whom Jesus showed His wounds, and ate with them, and a crowd of over 500 at one time -- all these beloved saints were eye witnesses to His resurrection.

Jesus appeared to His loved ones, and to those who love Him!

But Jesus never appeared to His enemies, or those who murdered Him. He had no interest in showing Himself to those men.

Apr 4, 2021
Sunday Service
1 Corinthians 15:3-8; Luke 24:36-48
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