
The Need for a Living Evangelism in the Modern Church

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How can the local church grow with respect to evangelism?

Joel Beeke explains in this video that there are several sins that the contemporary church falls into in regards to evangelism. The first is prayerlessness. We must cry out to God Almighty. We should never evangelize someone without first spending time in personal prayer. Second, there is a sin of the lack of zeal. Life and death is at stake.

Third, there is this sin of accommodating the Gospel to man’s desires. To make unbelievers comfortable or to minimize sin. Fourth, there is a lack of clarity in presenting the Gospel. This is because of a misconception of who God is, the seriousness of sin, and salvation being only through Christ alone. We need a stronger emphasis on the justice of God and the concept of substitution.

Apr 6, 2017
Video DVD
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