
Darkness to Light

61 ( 57 | 4 )

The story of God's redemption of mankind begins in the Book of Genesis; God created all things, and declared His work "very good." Everything was perfect until Adam sinned against the Lord's one command, and thereby death and destruction came into the world. The hearts of all mankind, from that point on, became continually wicked. Throughout the Old Testament, God gave His people multiple opportunities to repent and return to Him; but they would repeatedly go right back to their own wicked ways. The painful fact is that we are not and never will be good enough to change ourselves. Even the heroes of the Bible are still portrayed as sinful human beings who were plagued by serious character flaws. But Jesus is the true Hero of the story! He came into this world and became one of us. He was tempted in all the same ways that we are, and yet He never sinned. Throughout His earthly ministry, He knew the ultimate purpose for why He had come to earth – and that was to redeem fallen humanity by His death and resurrection. It seemed as though death and the devil were going to have the final word – until He rose from the dead, bringing light and life that forever drives out darkness! This is indeed a historical fact – even though many have denied it, and many others still don't believe it today. And why is it important? While we were still sinners, Christ's death and resurrection made it possible for us to now be declared legally righteous in Him! Because of His payment for our sins, we are legally free from the bondage that sin had held us in; and we are now righteous in God's sight. Truly, the fact of His glorious and victorious Resurrection brings us joy and hope!

Apr 4, 2021
Sunday Service
Romans 5
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