
The Christ in Jonah – Part I


Lesson 1: The Old Testament is __________ __________ (John 5:39-40; Matt 11:13; John 1:29, 36; Luke 24:47, 44; John 1:45; Heb 10:1, 7; Col 2:16-17; John 3:14; John 6:32-33; Rom 5:12; 1 Cor 5:7, 10:4, 15:21-22, Heb 3-4; Matt 11:28-29; Matt 27:51; Heb 10:20; Matt 12:39).
Lesson 2: Jesus and Jonah both:
(Part I) Left ____________ territory for ______________ territory (Jonah 1:1-2 cf. Luke 8:22).
(Part II) Experienced a ________________ __________ (Jonah 1:3-4 cf. Luke 8:23b).
(Part III) __________ ____________ the storm (Jonah 1:5 cf. Luke 8:23a).
Lesson 3: Having Jesus in the boat with you doesn't mean He:
(Part I) Stops all ______ ____________ (Matt 7:25, 27; Jam 1:2; Acts 14:22; 1 Thes 3:3; 1 Pet 4:12; John 16:33).
(Part II) ______________ ________ (Mark 4:38; Psa 23:4, 27:1, 46:1-3).  
Family Worship Guide
Memory Verses: Psalm 103:1-4
Day 1: Read Luke 8:22-25 Without looking for the specific examples and just working from memory, in what parts of the Old Testament is Jesus foreshadowed? Where are there "types of Christ"? What is the significance of this truth (that the Old Testament is about Jesus)?

Day 2: Read John 3:14, John 6:32-33, Rom. 5:12-21 (or the other references Pastor Scott used) Explain how the NT writers interpreted Scripture (the OT) and why they did so? Why did the NT writers emphasize Christ as the substance? What did their emphasis reveal about their audiences' spiritual needs? Explain how studying these types and their fulfillment in Christ could impact your daily life.

Day 3: Read Luke 8:22-25 If we are not careful, what do we tend to think will happen to us, since we are Christians? Why are so many Christians surprised by trials?

Jan 29, 2017
Sunday Service
Luke 8:22-24; Jonah 1:1-5
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