
Biblical View Of Miracles

  1. Definition of "miracle"
    a. appears in the NT 7 times. 3 times refers of working miracles, others refer to miracles God was doing.
    b. C.S.Lewis- what you believe, the philosophy, the worldview you have will be the lens by which you will interpret the supernatural.
    c. Science is necessary but is not God, it aught to points us to God.

  2. The Miracles
    a. Peter follows the example of Jesus/emulates Christ's heart - Luke 5:17-26/Mark 5:21
    b. Peter prays before Dorcas
    c. Peter heals in the power of the only one that can heal - Jesus

  3. Illness and death = We are not in control - v33/38
    a. Disciples run to get Peter
    b. Dorcas was full of good works but that is not enough
    c. Illness, Death and suffering remind us of our need of God

  4. Miracles are meant to Glorify God v35-v40-42
    a. 2 miracles but not the point
    b. God was the divine agent healing both
    c. All turned to the Lord

The greatest miracle we see in scripture is that when a sinner repents of their sins and turns to Jesus for forgiveness.
Luke 15:10 " Just so, I tell you, there is more joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents"

Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Service
Acts 9:32-43
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