
A Great Tragedy is Met by a Greater Miracle, part 3


As the Savior came face to face with the death of his friend, He shows in amazing ways how loving and gracious He is. He also shows that He is not only fully human, but is truly "God with us." As He speaks with and comforts Mary and Martha, He shows how He deals with all who are dear to Him. The sisters are distraught and don't know what to do, but the Savior comes to them, not only with words, but with power. Yet, He does not come in a way that they would have chosen nor at a time they would have chosen. He comes when it best suits the glory of God and best suits a demonstration of His anointing and office; so it is and always has been. The Lord is gracious and merciful to all of His people even in their infirmity. In the text before us, we see that infirmity in the words of the sisters, and we see it in the death of one so dear to the Savior. Nevertheless, even through ways mysterious, the Lord ministers to those dear to Him and shows that He is the victor over death and the grave. This is a great hope and comfort to all His people and it is good to be reminded of it even now. – Pastor Schlegel

Jan 5, 2020
Sunday Service
John 11:28-37
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